Lang Igo Primol
The vast majority of Cambodia's population is of ethnic Khmer origin (over 95%) who are speakers of the Khmer language, the country's sole official language. Cambodia's population is largely homogeneous. Its minority groups include Chams (1.2%), Vietnamese (0.1%) and Chinese (0.1%).[13]
1 L JTHE SUN SUNsATURDAY SATURDAY NOm NOVEMBER ER 20 O 1909 1I NEW YORK 26 2 YEARS AFTER AFTERRIM AFTJR1 AFTJR1PlWIllJl AFTERILGRLW IPlWIllJl RIM BOMB FROM EUROPE EUROPEFIXOS EUROIF1VD3 I IrINDSrINDS A BETTER CITY CITYstreet CITY8t1 CITYtrettstreet 8t1 t Crowd fBtyvoraper yorper apen Women II flu 110t flutell o otelltell t l Theatres Opera Commented CommentedIfpon Commentedtpon d dtTpODIfpon by Henry Cachkrd CactlrdMannm CactlrdMannmIMr Manner MannerMewMew IMr W We Say Deg Pardon Now NowKvery Nowtvery NowEveryEvery time a New Ne Yorker returns from fronlturop8 fromEurope fromEuropeEurope he discovers dlaoov r8 change in ft tho city cityeven cityIven cityeveneven If rhe he has been beonaway a way only long enough enoughtoto catch a steamer back Henry Cachard Cachardwhowho was a New Ne Yorker twentyflvo years yearsago yeUs1I1t0 eare eareagoago and still may bo called a New Yorker Yorkarthough Yorkertbougbhehumadeh Yorkerthoughthough tbougbhehumadeh he has haemado made his It homo In Parinfor Parinfortwentyfive Pri for Cortwentyfive fortwentyflvetwentyfive years y nrs maya that anybody who whoknew wboknew whoknewknew New York a quarter of a coatury coaturyagoago a o would not recognize the olty today todayoCo o absolutely baa It changed changedMr ciangeMrMr Caobard i 1M the European partner partnerCoudert partnorCoudert partnerCoudortCoudert Bros He Is one of the most mostwidely mOlltwidely moatwdeIywidely known Americana In Europe and andhis andhu andPiehis been president of the American AmericanChamber AmericanChamber AmericanhambarChamber of Commerce in Paris Ho wears wearsthe wensthe wearsthethe red button of the Legion of Honor Honorand Honornd Honorandand nd it contracts well w 1I with a set of hand handomo handomo handsomeomo gray whiskers carefully parted partedwhich partedwhich partedwhichwhich do not detract from a distinguished distinguishedappearance distinguishedappearance distinguishedapperanCeappearance appearanceForFor yean Mr Caohard and the late lateEdroond lateEdmond lateEdmondEdmond Kelly practically divided the theFrancoAmerican th thFrancoAmerican thFrancOAmel1cnFrancoAmerican law business If any anyAmerican anyAmerican anyAmerfoanAmerican gets Into trouble In Paris now nowadays nowadays nowadays adays he is likely to bo told that Cachard CachardIsII the man that can get him out outNew outSew outNewNew York ban b changed more during duringtwentyfive durlnetwentydve duringtwentyfivetwentyfive years than any city clt In InEurope Inurope InEuropeEurope urope said Mr Cachard at the Plata Platayesterday PlazaJeatemy Plasaeaterdayyesterday Even Berlin could hardly hardlybe I Ibebe rated as II a close second You can caneasily canusil caneiIyeasily usil recognlss nl = tha th London or r the Paris Parisofof today as being the London or the theParis theParisIParis of a quarter of a century ago but butitit Is not the case with New York Those Thosewho Thoeewbo Thoeswhowho have remained here to grow with withthe withtbe withthethe city hardly realize this in Inplte spite of ofthe ofthe Ithe rapidity with which changes have havetaken havetaken havetakentaken place placeWhat placeWhat I IWhatWhat most Impresses the man wno wnoattempts wnoattempts wnoitteznattempts ittezn to make a comparison of the themetropolis themetropolis I Imetropolismetropolis of today with the New York YorkII knew as a very young man is the tbeflood flood floodof Iof 0 humanity that flows along the streets streetsYou a etreeteYou 11OteTouYou are always alwayaln In a crowd Twentyfive Twentyfiveyearsyears eara ago you seldom aeldomliIwa saw a woman down downtown downtown aowntown town Nowadays I notice that in Nassau InNaaaut Nassaustreet Nassautreetstreet t t about noon people fill not only onlytha onlr oni onithethe sidewalk but the streets as well welland weland I Iandand women stenographers an innova innovation innovation innovation tion since that day and others who work workInIn the vicinity seem to be almost in the themAt themajority themajor1tmajority majorityAt major1tAtmAt At that time New Yorks tall building buildingwaswas the Equitable office whose height heightnow h lKbt lKbtnonow no Is comparatively oomparaUvelyJnaignlftoant Insignificant Per Personally PerOII1Iy Peraonally sonally I do not think the skyscraper skyscrapercancan be counted as an improvement I Iam Iam Iamam dead against it For one thing it ithas Ithaa Ithashas spoiled the general appearance of ofthe ofthe ofthethe city Besides Be id08 It causes ca too great a acongestion acongestion acongestioncongestion of persons in a small area areaand areaand areaandand tends to deprive the streets of light lightand lightADd lightandand air ahIn airInthe airInIn Inthe the hotels the Improvement has hasbeen hasn hasbeenbeen n immeasurable When I left here herefor herefor hereforfor Paris the Windsor the Brunswick Brunswickandand the Victoria wero the great and fash fashionable tuhionable fahlonable ionable hostelries The world of fashion fashionwent faahlonent fashionwentwent ent to Delmonicos old place at Twenty Twentysixth Twentybtb Twentysixthsixth street and Fifth avenue now Martine Mar Martins tartins tins and all great balls were given there thereWard thereWard thereSardWard McAllister was society reoognlred reoognlredloader reoopnlredIMder reoogniedleaderloader while the honor of being New NewYorks NewYork NewYorksYorks leading hostess h t Mrs rs Psrcu Ste Stevens Stevans te teveoa vans shared with the late Mrs William WilliamAstor WilliamAator WilliamAstorAstor AstorPeople AatorPeopl AstorPeoplePeople remained in town more then thenthan thenthan thenthanthan they do now and there wan OW a moru moruvieiting moruvlsting moruvisitingvisiting from house h < nae to house especially especiallyin P < c ally allyInin the evening New York still tllI had ltd ltdregularset itdreauJu ltdregularregularset regular If01 et of pld qldtalnilios families who wh know knowach ImowfOh knoweacbOthetach eacbOthet ether aad each Others a pc peit it t end endfamily IlndfamilY endfsmllyfamily history as aawellThero well There was tL4 no noneed noneed noneedneed of dreading to ask people to moot mooteach mootach uoeteacheach other Now there seems ma to Ixj a ahundred ahundred ahundredhundred different sets setsThere setsThere setsThereThere WI wa no Metropolitan Opera OperaHouse OperaHouae0 House as yet Grand opera wat still stillbeing aUlIh4lng stIllbeingbeing given in the Academy of Music Mtisicwhere Musicwhere lll8icwherewhere Patti used to sing and get 1000 1000a ooo ooonlghttor ooaaa night nlghttor for It itI a price that to the t e best bestof bestof bestofof my knowledge no singer baa ever everbeen evern overbeenbeen n able to obtain since Patti agent agentwaswas an old Italian named Fanchi a good goodbusiness goodbualness goodbusinessbusiness man Ho got tho late lat Col ColMapleson ColMapleeon ColMaplesonMapleson to make a contract for just one oneseason oneson oneI oneseason Iseason son for 200000 at ttOOO a night and andthere andthere andthere Ithere was all sorts ortlof of trouble when a aflood aRood atioodflood prevented the singer from fromieachinlC fromieachinlCIn reaching reachingFtFt Louis in time for a performance rformance that thathad thathad thathadhad been advertised d Fanchi had to tolose to1011II toloselose 5000 of the contract as well wellThe weltThe wellTheThe improvement in tho theatres has haabeen hasbePn lisabeenbeen marvellous The buildings are com comfortable comfortsble cornfortablsfortable and well ventilated ventilatedthey they used to tohe tot tobehe t as cheerless as some of the Loudon Londontheatres Loudontbeatresand Loudontheatresandtheatres tbeatresand and some of thorn are magnifl magniflent< ent nt in l arrangement and decoration I Ihare Ihao Ihavehare attended all three of the perform performances ances given at the New Theatre which I Iconsider IlOMlder Iconsiderconsider to be one of the most wonderful wonderfulinstitutions wonderfulInatltutlona wonderfulInstitutionsinstitutions of its kind in the world The Thowomen Thewomen Thewomanwomen on the stage dress far better than thanthey thanthey thantheythey used to and the audiences mao maltomuch maomuch malomuchmuch more of an attempt to be in evening eveningdress eveningrNdress dressIn rN > l lInIn the manners of the people ple there has hasbeen hash hasheenbeen h n a vast change for the better It Itmay Itmay Itmaymay be true that a man will not always alwaysrise ahrasriorise in a street at root car to give a woman his hisseat hiseat hisseatseat but you hear the word ord please in infinitely InInItely infinitely finitely more than used to be the case If Ifa Iftl1IU1 Ifaa man accidentally accldentallybruahee brushes against you youin youIn ou ouInin the street nowadays he begs your pardon pardon par pardon don a thing that seldom II happened in inNew infe inNewNew fe York twentylive years yea ago agoNot ORONot agoNotNot many foreigners got to New Ne York Yorkuu visitors in that day except exooptEnKlIllbmen exooptEnKlIllbmenwho Englishmen Englishmenwhowho were w reatill still the great travellers of the thoworld theworld theworldworld and these th found much to complain complainftft r then in the cab service which wblchal was and andtill andtlll andtl1ltill is atrocious Why if you are a aMranger aAtrangr aatrangerMranger you cannot KO anywhere in a acab ACAb acabcab for less than a dollar while hlle you can canKO canIto cangoKO twice as a 5 far In almost any European Europeancitycity for a quarter quarterKven quarterven quarterEvenEven ven in that thatday day New York YdIc was not notmuch notmuch notmuchmuch built builtupabovethepark up above the thepnrk park As Asachild AsachildI a child childII lived